Tuesday, May 26, 2015

MELT Online Training in System Test

In the past, I have been a sceptic whenever somebody brought up the issue of online personal training. It seemed a contradiction in terms to me. Yet, I now find myself giving it serious consideration, and I need to explain what brought on this transformation.

Among other things I each MELT, a self-treatment technique for connective tissue, which has great potential to help people to manage or even get out of daily pain. It is really difficult to hurt yourself when you try to MELT. It is, in theory, easy to learn but, after having taught it for more than five years, I have seen enough people who have a hard time following the proper technique even in a live class, and I cannot imagine it to be any better when they try to follow DVD instructions. However, I have also seen that people do very well with individualized verbal corrections.

Enter Skype. Well, I know, it’s not exactly a new discovery of mine. It has been around for a number of years already but it is new to me, and it answers the technical requirement for online training. And it is new to me. I am currently exploring the logistics of this system. Today I taught my first Skype MELT session with one of my existing clients and was amazed how good the picture was. This enabled me to see her body position very accurately and to assess which verbal corrections I needed to give.

Who can benefit from online training? If there is no qualified instructor anywhere near you and you are not sure whether you are doing the techniques accurately, this may be a great option. There is more to MELT than is in the book, and online training can give access to additional techniques. As a seasoned instructor, I have been talking large groups of people through MELT techniques, and this gives me the confidence that I can also do it when I see a person online.

So off into the 21st century we go. Online MELT Training coming soon to a computer near you!

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