Saturday, May 28, 2011

The French Paradox

We all have heard about the so-called French paradox: it is claimed that the French have all that good food, drink plenty of wine, and yet obesity does not appear to be a problem in France.

Greater minds than mine have tried to figure that one out. However, I have just spent a few days in Paris and have my own observations to add to the debate.

Indeed, I rarely saw an overweight person as I was meandering the streets and museums and eating at restaurants (except for the tourists).

Paris is full of little bistros and brasseries, and on every corner there is a small kiosk selling baguettes with cheese and cold cuts. I did not see one ‘All-You-Can-Eat’ buffet style restaurant. There were a few McDonald’s but the golden arches were not allowed to compete with the Eiffel tower.

The main thing I noticed about the food at restaurants was the portion size. It was not out of proportion. When I ordered a scoop of ice cream for dessert, the scoop was not the size of a baseball but rather a golf ball.

And something else to notice when you ask for the bill: food is expensive.

Maybe the secret to the French paradox is not so complicated after all? 

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