I recently had the privilege to review a manuscript which
tries to address the question which we are all asking: considering the
well-known risks of not exercising and excess weight, why is it that we – as a nation
– are getting more unfit and heavier at the same time.
To start with my punch-line; this may feel like a downer:
I do not have the answer either.
The excuses are legend and rarely justified: no time, too
tired, family first, and many others. It is usually not lack of knowledge. Many
preface their excuses with a list of what they ‘should do’ before starting in
on the ‘buts’.
It is not possible to scare people into healthier
behavior; who wants the stick? And a carrot does not seem such an alluring
option if you can carrot cake with frosting, maybe even à la mode.
I also watch with pharmaceutical advertising with
concern. Controlling diabetes or hypertension with a pill makes the person
still diabetic or hypertensive even if the blood work is good and the blood
pressure reading is normal. Yet, somehow we have convinced ourselves that it is
not there if we cannot see it.
For me, moving is about the freedom to do what I want. I
love walking and am fortunate enough to have a faithful canine companion who
shares my enthusiasm. I never thought of movement as exercise that I do apart
from my life. Our bodies were designed to move, to push and to pull, to reach
and to extend.
I know that many feel like I do. I also know that many
more do not. I feel sorry for them because they are missing out on a sensation of
well-being they have never known.
And even though we can only lead a horse to the water, we
should still do it over and over again at the odd chance that it will drink one
of these days.